Sada Malumfashi

Sada Malumfashi

Sada Malumfashi


Currently working on:

I am currently curating the Hausa International Book and Arts Festival and also curating the Open Arts Space in Kaduna, Nigeria that provides artists residency spaces in northern Nigeria

Quick Facts:

I am a writer and filmmaker living in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna. I am specialised in Hausa culture and history. My works of fiction have appeared in the Reader of the Bamako Biennale, Brooklyn Rail, Transition Magazine, Bakwa Magazine, Lolwe Magazine, and Schloss Post. I was among the participants in the Goethe Institute Nigeria-Cameroon Literary Exchange Program and an awardee of the Goethe Institute/Sylt Foundation Writing Residency through the Literary Exchange Program. I am also the Founder of Open Arts, a literary collective where I curate the Hausa International Book and Arts Festival (HIBAF). In 2022 I released a documentary film titled “Hawasi” (Hausa in Arabic) with the focus on the Hausa diaspora in the Arab world.
I am interested in the nexus of culture and identity on the African continent. I have lived and grew up in northern Nigeria and in this collection my work serves as a reflector of the experiences of its historical, former and current inhabitants against a backdrop of love, family and crisis. I use characters in my stories to provide a relatable humour and human poise.

Three relevant works from the last 5 years of artistic practice:

  • Hausa International Book and Arts Festival, Nigeria, 2022
  • Archiving Hausa Feminist Writings, House of African Feminism in partnership with Goethe-Institut, 2022
  • Hawsawi, Documentary Film, 2022

Highest educational degree:

Bachelor of Pharmacy, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria 2014